The stars are shining in the sky, so I'm very happy to know you. One of the ten thousand hearts in the sky is my heart. When I miss you, I look at the stars and the stars, and remember to be happy every day.
2 、恨有多深,爱就有多深,与其在爱与恨之间疲惫穿梭,不如挥慧剑斩情丝还自己一片海阔天空!
As deep as hate is, so deep is love. It's better to return a vast sea and sky with a sword of wisdom than to shuttle between love and hate exhaustively.
Missing is a kind of pain that can not be said. My heart wants to die for you. Often think, now you, when you can smile at my side. Let's meet today.
4 、怎样无尽的长夜,都不要忘记你身边的我是不灭的火苗,点燃你心中每一个希望,一生一世为你起舞跳跃。
How endless long nights, do not forget your side I am an indelible flame, ignite every hope in your heart, life for you to dance and jump.
5 、想念你的微笑,想念你的美貌,想念你高贵气质和迷人的味道。记忆中你柔情似水的感觉我难以忘掉!
Miss your smile, miss your beauty, miss your noble temperament and charming taste. I can't forget the feeling of tenderness in your memory.
6 、表面上看着如此光鲜,其实内心已经碎掉了。凡是能打动你的东西,它一定伤害得你也很深。比如爱情。
On the surface, looking so bright, in fact, the heart has been broken. Anything that can touch you will hurt you deeply. For example, love.
7 、我会在早上,下午和晚上送你甜蜜的爱。我爱你,我所做的就是每天给你爱和关怀,让你的梦想成真。
I will send you sweet love in the morning, afternoon and evening. I love you. What I do is to give you love and care everyday and make your dreams come true.
8 、你有很强的事业心。夸奖他有事业心,是对一个男人价值的最大肯定。同时,你的夸奖是他建立自信心的最后防线。
You have a strong career ambition. Praising his dedication is the greatest affirmation of a man's value. At the same time, your compliment is the last line of defense for him to build self-confidence.
In the vast sea of people, I am lucky to meet you, love you is God's shop, if you can marry, accompany you through life, will be my happiness!
1 0 、何止是野心,我预谋了一辈子的念想,从遇见你开始,不见黄土不死心。
More than ambition, I premeditated a lifetime of thinking, from the beginning of meeting you, do not see the loess.
1 1、爱情是耗尽锐气的**,爱情是置意志于一炬的火焰,爱情是把人骗入泥潭的诱饵,爱情将剧毒抹在命运之神的箭上。
Love is a burning passion, love is a flaming flame, love is a bait to deceive people into the mire, love wipes the poison on the arrow of the God of fate.
1 2、满天星云下,感到无边的落寞。也许流星能体会。我期待,飘飘雪花的日子,你的心带来了一屡芬芳。
Under the starry sky, I feel boundless desolation. Maybe meteors can understand. I look forward to the day when your snowy days bring your fragrance.
1 3、风是我的问候,雨是我的祝愿;月光是我的抚慰,阳光是我的企盼;亲爱的,无论何种天气,我的爱都与你相伴!
Wind is my greeting, rain is my wish; moonlight is my comfort, sunshine is my hope; dear, no matter what kind of weather, my love is with you!
1 4、想证明我五十年后一样爱你,因为想证明我是全世界最爱你的,因为想和你一起去竞选模范夫妻。
I want to prove that I love you the same in fifty years, because I want to prove that I love you the most in the world, because I want to run for a model couple with you.
1 5、如果女人是一朵花,则需要男人来施肥;如果男人是一棵树,则需要女人来培土!前者容易凋谢,后者容易干枯。
If a woman is a flower, he needs a man to fertilize it; if a man is a tree, he needs a woman to cultivate it! The former is easy to wither and the latter easy to dry up.沃伦博克美文网
1 6、最好的爱,是你没有那么的好,在我的心里,你却最好;最美的情,是我没有那么完美,在你的眼里,却是最美。
The best love is that you are not so good, in my heart, you are the best; the most beautiful feeling, is that I am not so perfect, in your eyes, is the most beautiful.
1 7、得到爱最快的方式,是付出爱;失去爱最快的方式是把爱抓的太紧了。留住爱最好的方法是给爱插上翅膀,让它飞翔。
The quickest way to get love is to give it; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly. The best way to keep love is to give wings to love and let it fly.
1 8、在你孤独,悲伤的日子里,请你悄悄地念一念我的名字。并且说:有人在怀念我,在世上我活在一个人的心里。
In your lonely and sad days, please read my name quietly. And say: someone is missing me, I am living in a man's heart in the world.
1 9、我知道,我不能陪在你的身边。我知道,我能做的只有遥远的思念。你快乐吗?你幸福吗?我默默祝福你。
I know, I can't stay with you. I know that what I can do is only distant thoughts. Are you happy? Are you happy? I bless you silently.
2 0、圆月有如一面明镜,高悬在蓝空。你虽然在遥远的地方,它一定能照得到你。所以,我总在月中寻找你的身影。
The moon is like a mirror, hanging high in blue sky. Although you are far away, it will surely catch you. So I always look for you in the middle of the moon.
2 1、天空黑暗并不代表太阳不存在。我不在你身边并不意味着,我不希望你。我爱你我美丽的爱人。
The darkness of the sky does not mean that the sun does not exist. I do not mean that I do not want you. I love you, my beautiful lover.
2 2、安全感就是,我心甘情愿地全心信任你,同时你毫无保留忠诚地珍惜我的信任。
The sense of security is that I trust you willingly and wholeheartedly, while you cherish my trust with unreserved loyalty.
2 3、看看电脑键盘,U和我并排放置。这就是字母表的排列方式,因为只要是你和我,我的爱永远不会停止存在。
Look at the computer keyboard. U and I are placed side by side. (voaloboka)This is the way the alphabet is arranged, because as long as you and I, my love will never cease to exist.
2 4、相爱的两个人,拥有疯狂的爱情,却还是阻挡不了家人的干涉,为了长相厮守我们一起私奔吧!
Love two people, with crazy love, but still can not stop the interference of family members, in order to stay together we elope together!
2 5、爱是累时的一个拥抱,爱是无助时的一个依靠,别说爱情太简单,平淡相守才是最真的暖。
Love is a hug when tired, love is a dependence when helpless, let alone love is too simple, insipid together is the most real warm.
2 6、你的种种行为让我感觉到我是在飞蛾扑火,我牺牲我对你的爱情,但我希望你永远能够幸福。
Your actions make me feel like I'm fighting a moth. I'm sacrificing my love for you, but I hope you'll always be happy.
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