​流浪的唯美诗句 流浪者唯美伤感的句子

2024-09-10 12:08 来源:文笔吧 点击:

流浪的唯美诗句 流浪者唯美伤感的句子


流浪的唯美诗句 流浪者唯美伤感的句子


随便翻译的 , 喜欢就收下吧

My mom and dad asked me to go wandering

Walking and tearing

wandering until Taipei

I couldn"t find my sweetheart

I feel so sad

I can not find my lover

I left home just like that

I really do not want to pipe my eye

I thought I was not that bad,  and not afraid of anything

I growing up and take care of myself

I do not want to lower my head because the reality

I thought I was not that bad, I can learn to identify

How can I look through the lies in the mask

Don"t break my heart into sand

If one day I become more complicated

can I still sing the picture in that song?

乱七八糟的, 大家来吐槽吧


好词:四处流浪 孤苦伶仃 美好生活  相依为命意外收获好景不长 中弹身亡  倾盆大雨晕头转向  打倒在地  飞驰而去  一身污泥  假惺惺 高楼大厦  游行示威耀武扬威  瘦瘦弱弱口水直流 鲜血直流 气势汹汹 摇摇尾巴驯人表演推车挣钱 破口大骂  好人难做  卖儿卖女


