​励志英语唯美句子说说心情短语 ,告别消极情绪

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励志英语唯美句子说说心情短语 ,告别消极情绪

一 无论多难,要相信上天自有安排。No matter how hard it is, believe in God's plan.

二 抱最大的希望,尽最大的努力。Hope the best and try the best.

三 逆风飞翔,终会翻盘。Fly against the wind, and you will turn over.

四 人生最精彩的是坚持自己的梦想。The best thing in life is to stick to your dreams.

五 将来的你一定会感激你拼命努力的现在。You will be grateful for your hard work in the future.

六 就算前路不平坦,也要时刻带上自己的热情。Even if the road ahead is uneven, always bring your enthusiasm.

七 如果找不到坚持下去的理由,那么就找一个重新开始的理由。If you can't find a reason to keep going, then find a reason to start again.

八 只要你还没放弃,你就没有输。As long as you haven't given up, you haven't lost.

九 给生命一个微笑,用微笑面对生活。Give life a smile, face life with a smile.

十 自信,是人最大的潜能。Self confidence is one's greatest potential.