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1、There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well.

翻译:我真心爱的人不多 看得起的人更少。

2、I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.

翻译: 当我发现自己爱上你的时候,我已经无法自拔。

3、Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.


4、My affections and wishes have not changed. But one word from you will silence me forever.


5、It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


6、You are the last man in the world I could ever marry.


7、pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.


8、The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it.

翻译:对这个世界看得越多 我就越不满。

9、Bagger can't be a chooser.


10、Not all of us can offord to be romantic.



《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)是英国女小说家简·奥斯汀的创作的长篇小说。



1.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


2.Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.


3.Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we would have others think of us.


4.Misery can be caused by someone being just weak and indecisive.


5.Pretend modest often is nonsense, sometimes just is the beat around the bush boast.


6.One cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight. But if we do not venture, somebody else will.


7.I would wish not to be hasty in censuring any one; but I always speak what I think.


8. My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.


9.There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome.


10.In such cases as these, I believe the established mode is to express a sense of obligation. But I cannot.I have never desired your good opinion。

and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly. I'm sorry to cause pain to anyone, but it was unconsciously done,

我相信碰上像这种情形,一般人都会表示感激 但我无法这么做 。我从来不曾渴求你的看重 而你这么做是心不甘情不愿 ,我很遗憾造成别人的痛苦 但我完全是无心的,也希望很快会烟消云散。


Mr Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings only to see you. I have fought against judgement, my family's expectation,the inferiority of your birth, my rank. I will put them aside and ask you to end my agony.

Miss Elizabeth: I don't understand.

Mr Darcy: I love you.Most ardently. Please do me the honour of accepting my hand.

Miss Elizabeth: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. It was unconsciously done.

Mr Darcy: Is this your reply?

Miss Elizabeth: Yes, sir.

Mr Darcy: Are you laughing at me?

Miss Elizabeth: No.

Mr Darcy: Are you rejecting me?

Miss Elizabeth: I'm sure the feelings which hindered your regard will help you overcome it.

Mr Darcy: Might I ask why with so little civility I am thus repulsed?

Miss Elizabeth: I might enquire why you told me you liked me against your better judgement? If I was uncivil, then that is some excuse. But you know I have other reasons.

Mr Darcy: What reasons?

Miss Elizabeth: Do you think anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined the happiness of a most beloved sister? Do you deny that you separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to censure for caprice and my sister to derision for disappointed hopes, involving them both in acute misery?

Mr Darcy: I do not deny it.


Miss Elizabeth: How could you do it?

Mr Darcy: I believed your sister indifferent to him. I realised his attachment was deeper than hers.

Miss Elizabeth: She's shy!

Mr Darcy: Bingley was persuaded she didn't feel strongly. Miss Elizabeth: You suggested it. Mr Darcy: For his own good.

Miss Elizabeth: My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me. I suppose his fortune had some bearing?

Mr Darcy: I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour. It was suggested...

Miss Elizabeth: What was?

Mr Darcy: It was clear an advantageous marriage...

Miss Elizabeth: Did my sister give that impression?

Mr Darcy: No! No. There was, however, your family...

Miss Elizabeth: Our want of connection?

Mr Darcy: No, it was more than that.

Miss Elizabeth: How, sir? Mr Darcy: The lack of propriety shown by your mother, younger sisters and your father. Forgive me. You and your sister I must exclude from this.

Miss Elizabeth: And what about Mr Wickham?

Mr Darcy: Mr Wickham?

Miss Elizabeth: What excuse can you give for your behaviour?

Mr Darcy: You take an eager interest.

Miss Elizabeth: He told me of his misfortunes.

Mr Darcy: Oh, they have been great.

Miss Elizabeth: You ruin his chances yet treat him with sarcasm.

Mr Darcy: So this is your opinion of me? Thank you. Perhaps these offences might have been overlooked had not your pride been hurtby my scruples about our relationship. I am to rejoice in the inferiority of your circumstances?

Miss Elizabeth: And those are the words of a gentleman. Your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realise you were the last man in the world I could ever marry.

Mr Darcy: Forgive me, madam, for taking up so much of your time.


When Jane and Elizabeth were alone , the former , who had been cautious in her praise of Mr . Bingley before , expressed to her sister just how very much she admired him.


“He is just what a young man ought to be , ” said she ," sensible , good-humoured , lively ; and I never saw such happy manners !-- so much ease , with such perfect good breeding!"


"He is also handsome" , replied Elizabeth , " which a young man ought likewise to be , if he possibly can . His character is thereby complete ."


"I was very much flattered by his asking me to dance a second time . I did not expect such a compliment ."


"Did not you ? I did for you. But that is one great difference begween us .Compliments always take you by surprise , and me never .What could be more natural than his asking you again ? He could not help seeing that you were about five times as pretty as every other woman in the room . No thanks to his gallantry for that . Well, he certainly is very agreeable , and I give you leave to like him . You have liked many a stupider person."


"Dear Lizzy !"


"Oh! you are a great deal too apt , you know , to like people in general .You never see a fault in anybody .All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes . I never heard you speak ill of a human being in your life."


"I would not wish to be hasty in censuring anyone ; but I always speak what I think ."


"I know you do ; and it is that which makes the wonder . With your good sense , to be so honestly blind to the follies and nonsense of others ! Affectation of candour is common enouth --one meets with it everywhere . But to be candid without ostentation or design --to take the good of everybody's character and make it still better , and say nothing of the bad ---belongs to you alone . And so you like this man's sisters , too , do you ? Their manners are not equal to his . "


"Certainly not --at first . But they are very pleasing women when you converse with them . Miss Bingley is to live with her brother ,and keep his house ; and I am much mistaken if we shall not find a very charming neighbour in her ."


Elizabeth listened in silence ,but was not convinced ; their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general ; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister , and with a judgement too unassailed by any attention to herself , she was very little disposed to approve them . They were in fact very fine ladies ; not deficient in good humour when they were pleased,nor in the power of making themselves agreeable when they chose it ,but proud and conceited .They were rather handsome , had been educated in one of the first private seminaries in town , had a fortune of twenty thousand pounds , were in the habit of spending more than they ought , and of associating with people of rank , and were therefore in every respect entitled to think well of themselves ,and meanly of others . They were of a respectable family in the north of England ; a circumstance more deeply impressed on their memories than that their brother's fortune and their own had been acquired by trade .


Mr . Bingley inherited property to the amount of nearly a hundred thousand pounds from his father , who had intended to purchase an estate , but did not live to do it . Mr . Bingley intended it likewise , and sometimes made choice of his county ; but as he was now provided with a good house and the liberty of a manor , it was doubtful to many of those who best knew the eadiness of his temper , whether he might not spend the remainder of his days at Netherfield , and leave the next generation to purchase .


His sisters were anxious for his having an estate of his own ; but , though he was now only established as a tenant , Miss Bingley was by no means unwilling to preside at his table ---nor was Mrs . Hurst , who had married a man of more fashion than fortune , less disposed to consider his house as her home when it suited her . Mr . Bingley had not been of age two years ,when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House . He did look at it , and into it for half -an -hour --was pleased with the situation and the principal rooms , satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately.


Between him and Darcy there was a very steady friendship , in spite of great opposition of character . Bingley was endeard to Darcy by the easiness , openness , and ductility of his temper, though no disposition could offer a greater contrast to his own , and though with his own he never appeared dissatisfied . On the stength of Darcy's regard , Bingley had the firmest reliance ,and of his judgement the highest opinion . In understanding , Darcy was the superior . Bingley was by no means deficient , but Darcy was clever . He was at the same time haughty , reserved , and fastidious , and his manners ,though well-bred ,were not inviting . In that respect his friend had greatly the advantage .Bingley was sure of being liked wherever he appeared , Darcy was conginually giving offense .


The manner in which they spoke of the Meryton assembly was sufficiently characteristic . Bingley had never met with more pleasant people or prettier girls in his life ; everybody had been most kind and attentive to him ; there had been no formality , no stiffness ; he had soon felt acquainted with all the room ; and , as to Miss Bennet , he could not conceive an angel more beautiful . Darcy , on the contrary , had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty an no fashion , for none of whom he had felt the smallest interest , and from none received either attention or pleasure . Miss Bennet he acknowledged to be pretty , but she smiled too much .


Mrs . Hurst and her sister allowed it to be so --but still they admired her and liked her , and pronounced her to be a sweet girl , and one whom they would not object to know more of . Miss Bennet was therefore established as a sweet girls , and their brother felt aurhorized by such commendation to think of her as he chose .
